Home » Scoping Study Completed for Nueva Sabana Mine, Cuba

Scoping Study Completed for Nueva Sabana Mine, Cuba

Scoping Study Completed for Nueva Sabana Mine, Cuba

Payables for these concentrates have been received from the two international commodity traders the joint venture is negotiating with to establish an off-take agreement.


The Chairman of Antilles Gold, Mr Brian Johnson, commented that “even though the first stage of the Nueva Sabana project is quite small, it is fortunate that it will be development-ready within a short period of time.

This is economically advantageous considering the joint venture’s flagship development, the La Demajagua gold-silver-antimony mine, had to be delayed after being expanded to allow the production of a gold doré when the market for its gold-arsenopyrite concentrate became an issue in August 2023.

Antilles Gold intends to subscribe the final US$2.0M of its US$15.0M earn-in for a 50% shareholding in the joint venture company, Minera La Victoria (“MLV”), within the next few months. Thereafter, the Company’s cash burn will be substantially reduced.

If MLV decides to undertake an exploration program on the copper properties before cash flow becomes available from the Nueva Sabana mine in Q4 2025, the required capital will probably have to come from a share issue by MLV to Antilles Gold, and, or a third party.

With respect to this possibility, MLV has recently presented commercial propositions to two major investors interested in becoming a shareholder in MLV, and participating in the exploration of its highly prospective copper properties, and the development of La Demajagua, and other gold projects potentially available to the joint venture.

However, MLV’s near term priority is to finalise negotiations on a concentrate off-take agreement for Nueva Sabana, and to arrange project financing.

Antilles Gold’s share of the NPV8 for the first stage of Nueva Sabana is ~A$70M at current metal prices of US$2,300 per oz Au, and US$4.30 per lb Cu, and an exchange rate of A$1.00 = US$0.65, which is significantly higher than the Company’s current market capitalisation of A$10.4M.

The opportunity for growth will increase with the proposed development of the La Demajagua gold- silver-antimony mine, where the Company’s share of NPV8 reported to ASX on 30 March 2023 was ~A$150M, prior to the decision to expand the project to produce gold doré from its gold arsenopyrite concentrate, and increase antimony production.”


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