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Drilling in Progress at Odienne Project, Côte d’Ivoire

Drilling in Progress at Odienne Project, Côte d’Ivoire


“Through our board’s depth of West African operational experience, we have established an experienced technical team and have quickly advanced to a drill-ready stage at the Odienné Project. We are very excited about follow-up work across the extensive anomalies at Odienné and the opportunity to leverage off quality work by previous explorers generating systematic exploration datasets including high-resolution geophysics and surface geochemistry.

Previous work in combination with the current drilling and geochemical campaign positions Many Peaks to advance an aggressive exploration campaign at Odienné over the coming year, with results of the current campaign expected to define multiple prospects for continued drilling at Odienné to dovetail with commencement of drilling activities at the highly prospective Ferké Project in the 2nd half of the year.”

The recent air core drilling at Odienne intersected gold mineralisation in a predominantly clay-weathered profile, with only limited information that could be inferred about the mineralisation’s style and key structural controls. The current diamond drill holes will represent the first drilling into fresh rock within the extensive anomalous corridor at the Odienne permit.

In addition to the diamond drill programme, over 5,500m of planned auger drilling is anticipated to increase the resolution of geology and surface geochemistry datasets and enhance the target vectoring of follow up drilling planned for the second half of the year. Three auger rigs with Sahara Geoservices have been mobilised, with extensive auger coverage initiated across an approximately 26km extent of gold-in-soil anomalism on two sub-parallel structural corridors. It is anticipated to be completed over the next four weeks.

Odienne Project

The Odienne Project, comprising two granted exploration permits, cover an aggregate 758km2 in the north- western region of Cote d’Ivoire. The permits are held under an earn-in agreement between Many Peaks’ wholly owned Ivorian subsidiary and a local entity, under which Many Peaks has already earned into a 65% interest in the projects and holds the right to earn an 85% interest by sole funding exploration to feasibility study.


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