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Siren Awarded High-Grade Lyell Tenement for a Further 5 Years

Siren Awarded High-Grade Lyell 
Tenement for a Further 5 Years



The Lyell Goldfield is located 40kms north of Reefton (Figure 2), where gold bearing quartz lodes were historically worked over a continuous strike length of 5kms. The Lyell Goldfield is the northern extension of the Reefton Goldfield that produced 2Moz of gold at an average recovered grade of 16g/t. The project overlays the historic Alpine United mine, which produced ~80koz of gold at an average recovered grade of ~17g/t between 1874 and closing in 1912. Several other small mines, such as the Break of Day, Tyrconnell, United Italy, Titchborne, Victor Emanual and United Victory also operated historically north of the Alpine United mine.

Soil sampling has confirmed a NNW trending 4km long anomalous gold zone between the Alpine United and United Victory mines (Figure 3). The Break of Day mine is also located along this anomaly. The soil samples have identified several anomalous areas which may represent mineralised shoots similar to those seen at Alexander River. The Alpine United mine shoot plunged ~45o to the north and was mined down to 500m below the surface and 750m down plunge and is open at depth. A total of 80koz @ 17g/t Au was recovered from the mine.


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