Home » Seaweed-Sourced Energy R&D Program Further Refined – Focus on Biohydrogen and Essential Mineral Extraction

Seaweed-Sourced Energy R&D Program Further Refined – Focus on Biohydrogen and Essential Mineral Extraction

Seaweed-Sourced Energy R&D Program Further Refined – Focus on Biohydrogen and Essential Mineral Extraction


Since that announcement, the Company has continued to review and refine its R&D program. In doing so, the Company has considered factors such as environmental impacts and benefits; development costs; prospects of achieving proof of concept; and the likelihood of successful commercialisation. The Company has decided to focus its R&D on the non-pyrolytic/low heat process of fermentation (Anaerobic Digestion) as its preferred extractive strategy. The process of fermentation produces an intermediate liquid product from which essential minerals (and nutraceuticals) can be extracted. In addition, a by-product of that fermentation process is the production of biogases, principally biohydrogen and biomethane.

Consequently, the Company has decided it will now focus its energy related R&D program on these two related activities:

1. Biohydrogen/biogas production

Production of biohydrogen/biogas a natural by-product of fermentation: The process of fermentation (Anaerobic Digestion) transforms seaweed biomass to an intermediate liquid product from which essential minerals (and nutraceuticals) can be extracted. A by-product of that fermentation process is the production of biogases, principally biohydrogen and biomethane. A major source of renewable energy, biogas is created by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. It is produced by the anaerobic digestion of various organic materials including municipal waste, farm waste, food waste and energy crops. The Company will undertake a R&D program on the production of biogases from seaweed as a by- product of the extraction of essential minerals and nutraceuticals from seaweed. Biogas can be stored in tanks and transported. Biodigesters reduce methane emissions, making biogas a smart and valuable climate and clean air energy solution.

Illustration of the Company’s R&D Program regarding the extraction of essential minerals from seaweed using the fermentation extractive method and the production of biogases (biohydrogen and biomethane) as a by-product


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