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Antilles Gold Limited

Antilles Gold Limited

Antilles Gold’s gold and copper projects in Cuba are underpinned by a strong partnership with a Cuban Government-owned mining company that effectively fast-tracks and de-risks its promising projects, offering a strategic value proposition for investors.

Antilles Gold offers strong growth potential through two near‐term development projects, Nueva Sabana and La Demajagua, and two exploration projects, the El Pilar porphyry system and Sierra Maestra copper concessions.

The second proposed development is the La Demajagua open-pit mine, which is likely to produce ~50,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of gold arsenopyrite concentrate (32 g/t gold, 27 percent arsenic), and ~10,000 tpa of gold antimony concentrate (28.8 g/t gold, 48 percent antimony, 1,200 g/t silver) for nine years. According to the plans, construction will commence in late 2025, with commissioning in mid‐2027. La Demajagua will also include the construction of a concentrate processing facility to treat La Demajagua’s gold arsenopyrite concentrate, with the capacity to produce 50,000 oz gold per year in dore, which will further increase JV profit and cashflow.

The joint venture’s two exploration projects comprise the 720‐hectare El Pilar Concession in Central Cuba covering a cluster of three copper‐gold porphyry deposits (El Pilar, Gaspar and San Nicholas), the adjacent 17,000 hectare San Nicholas concession with porphyry style mineralisation, and two concessions totaling 52,600 hectares within the producing Sierra Maestra copper belt in southeast Cuba (La Cristina and Vega Grande), with both indicating of porphyry deposits highly prospective for copper, gold and molybdenum.

The joint venture intends to invest part of the surplus cash flow from the Nueva Sabana mine to fund the exploration of major copper targets, including the El Pilar copper‐gold porphyry system, and those in the Sierra Maestra copper belt.

Nueva Sabana is the company’s near‐term, gold‐copper mine development project. The project is held in the 50:50 joint venture with GeoMinera. It will be an open-pit mine developed on the oxide zone overlaying the El Pilar porphyry copper deposit in central Cuba.

Results from 24,000 metres of historical drilling, 1,800 metres drilled in 2022, and the 10,000 metres drilled in 2023 have established a mineral resource estimate (MRE). Results of a scoping study were advised to ASX on 7 May 2024, and a feasibility study is in progress for the proposed development which will be followed by a 12‐month construction phase.

Drilling has shown outstanding grades for gold and copper, and increasing lateral and vertical boundaries of the copper domain.

The proposed mining rate for the project will be 500,000 tpa of ore with a low waste‐to‐ore ratio. The anticipated initial production of 70 g/t gold concentrate will be followed by a ~27 percent copper concentrate with gold credits.

The estimated project cost is approximately US$33 million, of which approximately US$6 million is shareholders equity with the balance of $27 million expected to be funded through an advance on purchases of the concentrates by an international commodities trader.

Chinese engineering group, Prominer Mining Technology, which has extensive experience in designing and constructing gold and copper concentrators, is expected to supply the crushing and flotation circuits for the Nueva Sabana mine.

The project is located within a 900 hectare mining concession on the Isle of Youth, 60 nautical miles from mainland Cuba. The project site is 35 kilometres from the port city of Nueva Gerona and enjoys excellent infrastructure in terms of accessibility by highway, and availability of water, electricity and fiber optic cable.

The project has an MRE of 905,000 oz gold equivalent for the open-pit operation. The MRE was calculated from 29,000 metres of drilling undertaken by the JV, and selective results from about 50,000 metres of historic drilling and revised after the receipt of additional antimony assays. The project expects mining of about 815,000 tpa of ore to produce two concentrates: 50,000 tpa of gold‐arsenopyrite and 10,000 tpa of gold‐antimony‐silver for nine years.

The project will also include a concentrate processing facility to produce gold doré from the gold-arsenopyrite concentrate. The facility will comprise a 50,000‐tpa two‐stage fluidized‐bed roaster, a carbon-in-leach (CIL) circuit, and an antimony recovery circuit. The overall production target is 75,000 oz gold equivalent per year. Chinese engineering firm BGRIMM Technology Group, which has extensive experience in designing and constructing roasters, is expected to supply the process plant on a turnkey basis.

The total development cost is estimated at US$165 million, expected to be funded by US$75 million of equity, which includes contributions by a third shareholder in the project, and the balance of US$90 million in debt. The life‐of‐mine cash surplus is estimated at ~US$600 million, with an NPV of ~US$330 million based on US$1,800/oz gold, and US$13,000/t antimony.

A revised scoping study including the concentrate processing facility is expected in December 2024, and construction is anticipated to commence in late 2025, with commissioning targeted for mid‐2027.

El Pilar is an exploration project of a cluster of three copper‐gold porphyry deposits: El Pilar, Gaspar and Camilo. The project comprises a 752 hectare exploration license and an adjacent 17,000 hectare reconnaissance permit covering the San Nicholas copper targets.

The project site benefits from established infrastructure with close access to a major highway, high‐tension power, and a 60 kilometre rail link to Palo Alto port.

Previous mapping, soil sampling, ground magnetics, an aeromagnetic survey and 24,000 metres of shallow drilling confirmed the existence of copper‐gold mineralization and identified the exposures as a potentially large, leached porphyry system. The surface exposures at El Pilar are leached phyllic caps to a cluster of copper‐gold porphyry cores. The extent of surficial hydrothermal alteration indicates the porphyry intrusions have large dimensions, and potential depths greater than 1,000 metres.

Ground magnetics and induced polarization surveys in early 2023 have confirmed a cluster of three potentially large porphyry intrusives – El Pilar, Gaspar and Camilo. A 10‐hole initial program has demonstrated positive results with good copper intercepts in porphyry‐style veining and has indicated the proximity of drilling to the core of El Pilar porphyry intrusive. In particular, drill hole PDH‐004A assayed 1.23 percent copper over its length of 134 metres from 49 metres.

The project is an exploration project covering two highly prospective concessions for copper, gold and molybdenum in the Sierra Maestra copper belt in southeast Cuba. It includes a 3,600-hectare geological investigation license in La Cristina, and the adjoining 49,000‐hectare Vega Grande reconnaissance license.

The copper belt spans more than 200 kilometres of Cretaceous‐age geology intruded by Eocene stocks, which are the source of widespread gold and base‐metals mineralization. The project is near the El Cobre mine which is the oldest operating copper mine in the Americas. The concessions incorporate a series of copper‐gold‐molybdenum zones that display significant footprints of hydrothermal alteration normally associated with potentially large porphyry systems.

An extensive, two‐year prospecting program will be carried out on the two concessions, commencing in Q4 2024, to identify drill targets.

James Tyers is a member of the AusIMM and has more than 30 years of experience in the mining industry, holding senior management roles in gold and iron ore operations. He has been associated with the Palm Springs Gold Mine in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, and the Cornishman Project, a JV between Troy Resources and Sons of Gwalia. He has experience developing and operating iron ore projects in the mid‐west of Western Australia. He was responsible for developing the Las Lagunas Project and is the project director for the La Demajagua gold mine in Cuba.

Ugo Carlo has more than 30 years of experience in the Australian mining industry. Throughout his career, he has served in several senior leadership roles at Rocklands Richfield, Austral Coal and Conzinc Rio Tinto Australia Group. He is also a former director of the Port Kembla Coal Terminal, the New South Wales Joint Coal Board, and interim chairman of the New South Wales Minerals Council.

Angela Pankhurst has more than 20 years of experience as an executive and non‐executive director, primarily in the mining industry. She has been a senior executive for companies with projects in Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Vietnam, South Africa and Australia. She has held senior leadership positions at Antilles Gold and Central Asia Resources. She is currently a director of Consolidated Zinc and a director of Imritec.

Tracey Aitkin is a professional member of CPA Australia and has more than 30 years of rich experience in finance, administration and staff management across a range of industries, including mining, manufacturing, retail, transport and agriculture. She joined the company in 2009 and was named CFO in 2010.

Dr. Jinxing Ji is a seasoned metallurgist with six years of research experience in universities and 26 years of practical experience in the mining industry related to gold, silver, copper, zinc and lead. His broad experience includes due diligence, metallurgical test work, pre‐feasibility study, feasibility study, detailed design, plant commissioning support, and operational support for projects in Turkey, Greece, Canada, China, Romania, Brazil and Papua New Guinea.

Steve Mertens is a mining engineer with more than 20 years of industry experience across a range of commodities, including nine years based in Latin America. He has been associated with the Goro Nickel Project in New Caledonia and the Mina de Cobre Project in Panama. Prior to his current role as general manager for the Minera La Victoria JV company, he was the mining manager for Antilles Gold’s Las Lagunas operation in the Dominican Republic.

Chris Grainger holds a PhD in economic geology from the University of Western Australia. He is an Australian geologist with more than 25 years of international experience with involvement in grassroots and brownfield exploration, as well as resource definition and development, with a focus on precious and base metals in South and Central America and the Caribbean. He has been associated with Continental Gold’s Buritica gold‐silver project, and Cordoba Minerals’ Alacran copper‐gold project.


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