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For an offer of 50,000,000 Options at nil cost per Option (Options Offer). The Options Offer is being made to participants in the Placement.

This Prospectus also contains an offer of 15,000,000 Options to the Joint Lead Managers (Broker Offer).

The Company intends to seek Quotation of the Options.

The Offers are not underwritten. The Offers close at 5:00pm AWST on 28 June 2024.

Defined terms

Certain terms and abbreviations used in this Prospectus have defined meanings which are explained in the Glossary in Section 7.

Important document

This Prospectus provides important information about the Company. You should read the entire document. If you have any questions about the Options being offered under this Prospectus, or any other matter relating to an investment in the Company, you should consult your professional adviser.

The Options offered by this Prospectus should be considered speculative.


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