Home » Reconnaissance Sampling Program Commences at Ngala Hill PGE Project to Follow up Historical Targets

Reconnaissance Sampling Program Commences at Ngala Hill PGE Project to Follow up Historical Targets

Reconnaissance Sampling Program Commences at Ngala Hill PGE Project to Follow up Historical Targets


The Company’s CEO, Mr Lloyd Kaiser said: “Our team in Malawi has actively built strong relationships with local communities across our projects and this early engagement at Ngala Hill is setting the foundation between the Company and the community as we prepare to mobilise the geo team and embark on our first exploration campaign at Ngala.”

Background on the Project

The Ngala Hill ultramafic chonolith is an arcuate-shaped intrusion, with dimensions of approximately 2.4km by 0.7km and was intruded into the underlying Proterozoic Basement Complex gneisses. The Ngala Hill Project is characterised by an intrusive ultramafic suite of pyroxenites and hornblende- pyroxenites that intrude basement gneisses. The pyroxenite facies of the ultramafic complex is prospective for platinum group elements (PGEs), predominantly palladium, and associated copper.

Initial work at Ngala Hill in the late 1960s included geochemical sampling programs undertaken by the British and Malawian Geological Surveys. Phelps Dodge started an exploration program for PGEs on Ngala Hill in 1999 with approximately 600 m of trenching. Metapyroxenite and amphibolite with an PGE- gold-copper nickel association was intersected trenching and yielded 1.41g/t Pt+Pd+Au and 1,430 ppm Cu over a length of 64m.

In 2000, Placer Dome confirmed further anomalies with encouraging results received from several trenches including 12m at 3g/t PGE+Au and 70 m at 1.12g/t PGE+Au, including 8m at 3.3g/t PGE+Au.


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