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DY6 Metals

DY6 Metals

Straddling the Malawi-Mozambique border, the Salambidwe project covers an area of 24.9 square kilometres, associated with the Salambidwe Ring Complex, which is known for hosting multiple notable carbonate deposits. Geology in the area is also associated with high radiometric values, typically associated with REE mineralization.

In 2024, DY6 Metals entered into an exclusive option to acquire an 80 percent interest in the Karonga lithium project, with granted licence EPL0659, spanning 39 square kilometres in northern Malawi. DY6 Metals Ltd submitted four (4) exclusive prospecting licence applications totalling 746.7 km2 in northern Malawi for tenements it considers to be highly prospective for lithium. The Mzimba licences cover a large area (710.5km2) and remain significantly underexplored for LCT pegmatites.

Reconnaissance field work at the Karonga identified some pegmatites of up to 500 metres in length with the potential to host lithium mineralisation. Rock chip samples include visually observed spodumene and lithium micas (lepidolite). Initial reconnaissance indicates huge potential for a major Li discovery and initial ground reconnaissance sampling at Mzimba South licence returned grades of 6.2 percent Li2O (lepidolite mica) and 0.3 percent Li2O (pegmatite rock assemblage), and also high in cesium and rubidium with significant potential for LCT pegmatite hosted mineralisation. The first pass program at Mzimba South consisted of 8 samples from 5 outcrop locations, where artisanal workers have been excavating pegmatites for gemstones (tourmaline, aquamarine and beryl).

‘Tundulu’ is a known carbonatite ring complex with abundant REE mineralisation, predominantly in the form of bastnaesite and apatite. Shallow historical drilling (1988) (>max depth of 50 metres), includes:

Samples from a recent reconnaissance field visit at Tundulu have been despatched for laboratory analysis. Tundulu complements the company’s existing REE and critical metals portfolio in Malawi. A geological team recently undertook a reconnaissance field visit over parts of the licence application area and samples have been submitted for laboratory analysis in South Africa.

Situated just east of the Thyolo Fault, the Ngala Hill Project’s zone of mineralization contains a strong magnetic anomaly indicative of an oxidized intrusive. Like Salambidwe, Ngala Hill is a relatively fresh asset. It has not been the target of any significant modern exploration efforts, though the results from historical works are nevertheless promising.

Dan Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts, is a fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia and has over 15 years’ primary and secondary capital markets expertise. He is a director and co-founder of Minerva Corporate, a boutique corporate services and advisory firm. He has advised on and been involved in over a dozen IPOs/RTOs on the ASX, AIM and NSX. Smith is currently non-executive director for several companies on AIM/ASX operating in the resources sector with a focus on critical minerals and has been heavily involved in project origination and evaluation.

Myles Campion has over 30 years’ experience in the natural resources sector, including exploration geology, resource analysis, fund management, equities research and project and debt financing. He started his career as an exploration and mining geologist in Australia covering base metals and gold. This included being the project geologist at LionOre responsible for the exploration, discovery and BFS completion of the Emily Ann Nickel Sulphide Mine.

Campion’s financial experience ranges from Australian and UK equities research to project and debt financing in London and fund manager for the OEIC Australian Natural Resources Fund for five years in Perth. He has been the executive director of Europa Metals since August 2020 and is a non-executive director at Katoro Gold.

John Kay is an experienced corporate lawyer and corporate adviser. He has over 15 years’ experience in equity capital markets, M&A and resources gained through both private practice and inhouse roles in Australia and the UK. He currently operates a corporate advisory practice, Arcadia Corporate, which provides corporate advisory and capital raising services to listed and unlisted companies in the small cap mining sector.

Kay has previously held a number of non-executive and company secretarial roles for ASX listed mining and energy companies and has advised on over a dozen IPOs/RTOs on the ASX. He holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Western Australia and is admitted to practice as a lawyer in Western Australia and England & Wales.

Nannan He has over 10 years of experience in geosciences, chemical material trading, exploration and resources investment. Through her investment vehicle Woodsouth Asset Management, she has been actively examining exploration and resource projects worldwide and has built strong networks, particularly in the Southeast Asian market.

Troth Saindi’s more than 17 years of experience in the mineral resource sector spans from exploration geology through to development and production. Troth commenced his career with MSA Group Services in 2006, focusing on gold, PGEs and base metal projects in the Barberton Greenstone Belt and the Bushveld Complex. From 2007 to 2013, Troth worked with Platinum Group Metals (PTM) in the Western and Northern Limbs of the Bushveld complex as a project geologist. He successfully led the discovery team in the new Waterberg PGE deposit, where a high-grade PGE ore seam was named after him (T-Reef). From 2013 to August 2023, Troth worked as group geologist with AIM- listed Bushveld Minerals Ltd managing several exploration projects and supporting the company’s mining operations. In September 2023, Troth joined ASX-listed DY6 Metals as a Senior Exploration Geologist and Country Manager for the company’s Malawi based projects. He is currently managing DY6 Metals’ REE & Lithium projects in Malawi.

Allan Younger is a Geologist with over 40 years’ experience in all facets of the resources industry and most commodities. He is a specialist explorer highly experienced in target generation and project generation with advanced expertise in multi-element geochemistry application and Interpretation. Younger has worked for a number of large international and junior mining and exploration companies, within Australia and internationally, both as employee, contractor or consultant.


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