Home » Exploration Program Underway at Corvette River Lithium, Gold, Copper & Silver Project in Quebec

Exploration Program Underway at Corvette River Lithium, Gold, Copper & Silver Project in Quebec

Exploration Program Underway at Corvette River Lithium, Gold, Copper & Silver Project in Quebec

The Project consists of several claim areas, including Felicie on the Corvette Lithium Trend which hosts Patriot Battery Metals’ world-class Corvette Lithium Project2 and the West Eade and East Eade claims on the parallel Corvette South Trend, approximately 12 km to the south. Both trends are on the prolific Lac Guyer greenstone belt in the tier-one global mining jurisdiction of Quebec, Canada (see Figure 1).

Phase 1 of the program will investigate and prioritise zones across the extensive claims areas for further work and follow up drilling. The program will include extensive geological mapping, excavator trenching and channel sampling, for multi-element assaying, using a team of geologists, support staff, excavators and an air support team. Field logistics are supported by helicopters, including heavy lift helicopters, to move excavators, required equipment and personnel. The program is being phased, given the limited access to heavy lift helicopters during this period. The program is sequential, initially focussed in the Felicie area (see Figure 1), to be followed by the East Eade and then the West Eade claim areas.

The primary objectives of the program are to investigate identified target locations through field mapping of structures and outcrops, extensive excavator trenching and channel sampling to finalise planning positions and the priority of follow-on drill targets in the following project locations:

Metals Australia CEO Paul Ferguson commented:

“It’s pleasing to be under way with phase 1 of our field exploration program at Corvette River. The commencement of this program is a result of a lot of great work by our team and our contractor, Magnor Exploration. We have developed a detailed and prioritised exploration program targeting lithium as well as gold, silver and copper and put in place a contract to allow this important work to be completed during the summer field season, when ground truthing is possible in Quebec. Importantly the program phasing recognises the challenges associated with accessing heavy lift helicopters during the peak summer period.

We are now on the ground with a dedicated team of geologists and field staff, including excavators. The team will be able to follow up on the targets, associated structures and outcrops that have been identified from previous sampling. This will allow accurate positioning of trenching and channel sampling. The outcomes of this work will result in a well-defined and prioritised list of drill targets – which will be the subject of phase 2 of the program.

This program will follow up on the highly prospective lithium pegmatite targets as well as high-grade gold and silver target zones we have communicated previously. I look forward to communicating the results of phase 1 when they are available.

We continue to aggressively progress all our high-quality projects on their pathway through exploration and, when results warrant, into development. Four of our projects are now pending government approval for their next phase of exploration, including Lac Carheil, which also has active prefeasibility study work underway. It’s been an incredibly active period of planning, permit applications and work-program contracting. We are now seeing the field exploration stages starting to emerge – with Corvette River now fully permitted for advanced exploration target testing.

We are only able to advance this work because we have a very supportive board, a dedicated and driven team and the financial capacity to fund the programs we have planned. Currently, there is no value ascribed to our projects by the market and we have a market capitalisation well below cash backing, which is highly unusual. Given the high-quality pipeline of projects we are progressing and the opportunities they represent, I expect the balance of 2024 and beyond to represent exciting times for the Company.”


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