Home » Production Ramp-Up Proceeding to Plan with Technology Proven at Commercial Scale

Production Ramp-Up Proceeding to Plan with Technology Proven at Commercial Scale


Honeymoon Uranium Project, South Australia



Alta Mesa, South Texas (Boss 30%)


Boss Managing Director Duncan Craib said:

“Putting cake in the can with our first production at Honeymoon was a significant milestone for Boss which proved that our lixiviant chemistry and ion exchange technology works at commercial scale.

“The production ramp up at Honeymoon, including the key production metrics, is progressing in line with our Feasibility Study forecasts and therefore we are on track to produce at least 850,000 pounds of U308 in FY25.

“This strong outlook is also supported by the progress being made in the construction of the second and third NIMCIX columns which are scheduled to start operating, in line with the production ramp-up timetable, by Q3 and Q4, 2024 respectively.

“With both Honeymoon and Alta Mesa producing, Boss has become the only multi-asset uranium producer on the ASX.”


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