Home » Maiden Fieldwork Discovers Widespread Chalcocite Dominant Vein Systems at Expanded Nunavut Rae Cu-Ag-Au Project

Maiden Fieldwork Discovers Widespread Chalcocite Dominant Vein Systems at Expanded Nunavut Rae Cu-Ag-Au Project

Maiden Fieldwork Discovers Widespread Chalcocite Dominant Vein Systems at Expanded Nunavut Rae Cu-Ag-Au Project

“The outcropping copper mineralisation throughout the project area is visually stunning and exceeds expectations. The focus of our maiden field programme across both Nunavut and Great Bear Lake has been twofold. Firstly, to confirm decades old historical state survey results from multiple project locations and extend the observable strike of each and in parallel undertaking airborne geophysics to further refine these targets. Second is prioritise and prepare project areas for drilling.

At Halo, multiple mineralised vertical structures have been identified and now constitute priority targets. This deep-seated plumbing acts as conduits for copper rich hydrothermal fluids that have deposited what appears to be significant quantities of copper into the surrounding reactive sandstones. This field observation provides the first direct evidence of extensive high grade sedimentary hosted “red bed” copper on Company ground, something not previously observed by historical exploration. We grow more confident each day of significant results coming from this sampling programme.

The recently completed airborne MOBILEMT survey at Great Bear is expected to work well and will add substantially to the understanding of the local and regional mineralising structures. Integrating this geophysical layer with assay results will eventually allow for a maiden drilling campaign by the Company which is scheduled to kick off in the coming months. The same aerial survey is now underway at Rae and expected to complete this week.”

Troy Whittaker – Managing Director

In relation to the disclosure of visual mineralisation, the Company cautions that visual estimates of sulphide and oxide material abundance should never be considered a proxy or substitute for laboratory analysis. Laboratory assay results are required to determine the widths and grade of visible mineralisation reported in sampling. The Company will update the market when laboratory analytical results become available, which are expected within 4-6 weeks.


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