Home » Quarterly Activity Report 30 June 2024

Quarterly Activity Report 30 June 2024

Quarterly Activity Report 30 June 2024


Georgetown Project

Located within the Georgetown mining district, the Georgetown Project is a richly endowed but under-explored area of Far North Queensland with a history of significant mining activity and mineral discoveries. EMU has the right to earn up to an 80% interest in 3 exploration permits for minerals (EPM’s), covering 850km2 in the Georgetown mining district, Queensland, under a Heads of Agreement and Joint Venture Agreement with Rugby Resources Ltd (TSXV: RUG). The district has a substantial mineral endowment with more than 1,000 mines, prospects and identified mineral occurrences.1

Fiery Creek Copper Prospect

The Fiery Creek Copper Prospect (FCCP) within the Georgetown Project in North Queensland has been identified as a potential massive scale copper porphyry system.

The Fiery Creek Copper prospect is hosted within a major NNW striking shear zone developed in the core of the Yataga Igneous Complex. The complex is a medium grained, equigranular, ovoid, granodiorite body, which at ~29km2 is the largest such igneous body known in the Georgetown Inlier. The prospect’s mineralised, hydrothermal alteration zone has been identified to extend over an area of approximately 6km in strike and up to 2km wide. The structure is characterised by multiple interleaved shear zones with quartz hosted copper vein swarms, stockwork and disseminated copper at surface with petrographical studies indicating several impulse phases of hydrothermal fluidisation. The alteration mineralogy, mineralisation geochemistry and the areal extent of Fiery Creek copper and silver rich vein system suggests the likelihood of a previously unknown sub adjacent porphyry system.

During the quarter the Company mobilised its highly experienced exploration team to site to undertake extended geochemistry programs to further investigate and build upon this potentially significant copper porphyry discovery.


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