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Flynn Gold

Flynn Gold

Flynn Gold’s large, high-grade gold footprint in Tasmania provides a compelling investor proposition that leverages a continuing gold bull market.

Flynn Gold’s exploration at its Golden Ridge project has focused on an 9-kilometre-long granodiorite-metasediment contact zone with diamond drilling programs completed at the Brilliant and Trafalgar prospects, with multiple high-grade gold vein intersections.

The company is focused on three high-grade gold projects in Tasmania — Golden Ridge, Warrentinna and Firetower. The under-explored Northeast Tasmania region is interpreted to be part of the Western Lachlan Orogen, a geological extension of the rich Victorian Goldfields which boast of historical gold production of over 80 million ounces (Moz). The company’s landholding across nine 100 percent owned tenements in the region has provided it with significant potential for gold and tin discoveries.

Targeted for intrusive related gold system (IRGS) style mineralization, the Golden Ridge project is located 75 kilometres east of Launceston in Northeast Tasmania. Previous gold exploration at the Golden Ridge Project has been very limited with shallow historical workings located over an 9-kilometre-long granodiorite-metasediment contact zone. Flynn Gold’s exploration has focused on the Brilliant and Trafalgar prospects, with diamond drilling programs completed at both locations between June 2021 and August 2023. In addition, a limited reconnaissance RC drilling program in late 2022 to test for gold mineralisation at the Link Zone confirmed the presence of shallow gold mineralisation between the Brilliant and Trafalgar prospects, highlighting the significant gold potential of the granodiorite-metasediment contact zone.

Drilling at Trafalgar consisted of 14 holes for 5,218.3 metres with multiple vein intersections grading >100 grams per ton (g/t) gold reported. The best intersections recorded in drilling at Trafalgar were 16.8 g/t gold over 12.3 metres (from 108.7 to 121 metres), including 0.7m at 152.5 g/t gold and 23.7 g/t gold over 4 metres (from 23 to 27 metres), including a high-grade zone of 0.5 metre at 169.8 g/t gold.

New high-grade gold discoveries have also been made at the Link Zone and Trafalgar North prospects.

At the Link Zone, mapping and vein sampling within the historic Golden Ridge adit has identified a significant new zone of high-grade gold mineralisation with underground grab sampling of mineralised veins in the adit recorded high-grade gold assays including 64.4 g/t gold, 37.6 g/t gold and 15.9 g/t gold.

At Trafalgar North, a high-grade gold vein zone has been discovered in trenching 250 m north of the historic Trafalgar mine with 17 out of 36 grab rock chip samples assayed over 10 g/t gold, including 99.4 g/t gold, 76.6 g/t gold and 67.1 g/t gold. Drilling at Trafalgar North commenced in July 2024.

Initial drilling by Flynn in September/October 2023 at Warrentinna consisted of two diamond drill holes, designed to test the continuity and extension of orogenic style gold mineralisation identified in historical drilling. The holes are also designed to provide stratigraphic and structural information critical to advancing understanding of the project.

The Portland gold project comprises three adjacent tenements: Portland, Telegraph and Cameron Tin. The project falls within the region mined historically from 1870 to 1917 and has similarities to Victorian geology with high-grade “Fosterville-style” gold mineralization confirmed. Geochemical surveys and costean sampling programs at Portland confirmed the presence of anomalous gold zones. Drilling at the Grand Flaneur prospect in 2022 and the Popes prospect in 2023 have both confirmed the presence of gold mineralization.

The company has two projects in the Northwest Tasmania region: the Firetower project and the Henty zinc project.

The project was acquired in 2023 from Greatland Gold plc (LSE:GGP). The project spans more than 62 sq kms and represents an advanced gold plus battery metals project, which includes three notable prospects: Firetower, Firetower East and Firetower West. The Firetower project lies in the highly mineralized Mt Read volcanic sequence which hosts major polymetallic base metals and gold deposits such as Hellyer and Rosebery, copper-gold deposits such as Mt Lyell (3 million tons contained copper, 3.1 Moz contained gold), and the Henty gold mine (1.64 Moz gold @ 12.5 g/t gold).

Resampling of the historic core at Firetower has confirmed the significant potential for gold and critical minerals – cobalt, tungsten and copper. The results have made it clear this project represents an exciting polymetallic opportunity. The company completed a diamond drilling program in late 2023 to target both the gold and polymetallic minerals potential.

The drilling program was successful in testing for depth extensions of the main mineralised zone with the results demonstrating the continuity of polymetallic mineralisation and highlighting the significant potential for high-grade mineralisation to continue at depth and along strike.

The project is a 130 sq. km land holding under two 100 percent owned exploration licences and provides the company with a dominant position in a rich base metals field with proximity to an existing zinc/lead concentrate producer (MMG’s Rosebery mine).

The Henty Project has a significant pipeline of exploration targets with the Mariposa and Grieves Siding prospects ready for resource drilling

Flynn holds five gold-lithium projects in the resources-rich state of Western Australia, strategically located near large gold and lithium deposits or in regions that are relatively under-explored for lithium.

The five projects include: Mt. Dove and Yarrie in the Pilbara region; and Koolyanobbing, Forrestania and Lake Johnston in the Yilgarn.

The Yarrie Project comprises two tenements and one application covering 385 sq. kms. Very limited historical exploration has been undertaken for lithium, gold and copper on the project. The project is highly prospective for iron ore, being close to historic mining operations and existing rail infrastructure.

Koolyanobbing comprises one exploration licence and two applications targeting gold and lithium mineralization over an 82 sq. km. area in the Marda-Diemals greenstone belt.

In addition to the above-mentioned projects, Flynn has secured an option agreement to purchase two exploration licences at the Parker Dome project in Western Australia, which is considered highly prospective for lithium. The Parker Dome project covers 42 sq. kms. and is situated 50 kilometres north of the world-class Mount Holland lithium project in Western Australia.

Results from soil sampling have identified multiple, large-scale, high-priority lithium anomalies. The licences are fully permitted allowing for an immediate commencement of drilling.

Clive Duncan has over four decades of experience at big box hardware chain Bunnings, including as chief operating officer and company director. He has rich experience in corporate and business development, including mergers and acquisitions, business integrations, corporate government, strategy development and marketing. He has completed post-graduate studies at Harvard University and London Business School and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is a long-term significant shareholder of Flynn Gold’s predecessor companies.

Sam Garrett has more than 30 years of exploration management, project assessment and operational experience with multinational and junior mining and exploration companies, including Phelps Dodge and Cyprus Gold. He has a background in copper and gold exploration with strong exposure to iron ore, base metals and specialist commodities. He is associated with discoveries at Mt Elliott (copper), Havieron (copper-gold), and Tujuh Bukit (gold). Moreover, he co-founded Flynn Gold and its predecessor Pacific Trends Resources.


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