Home » Strickland Hits Massive 308.4m @ 1.9g/t Au Eq, Rogozna Project, Serbia

Strickland Hits Massive 308.4m @ 1.9g/t Au Eq, Rogozna Project, Serbia

Strickland Hits Massive 308.4m @ 1.9g/t Au Eq, Rogozna Project, Serbia


Paul L’Herpiniere, Managing Director of Strickland, said: “These latest results from ongoing drilling at the 4.6Moz Au Eq Shanac deposit2 provide further support of our strategy to target the higher-grade mineralisation zones within the Central Domain of the deposit. This hole was drilled ~100m along strike to the southeast of ZRSD24149 and was targeting the body of copper-gold-magnetite skarn that was also encountered in the earlier hole. With a 90.9m intercept of copper-gold mineralisation grading 1.4g/t Au and 0.3% Cu from 333.7m downhole, the copper-gold-magnetite skarn is demonstrating excellent consistency of grade and thickness at the southern end of the deposit.

Of further significance in this hole was a thick zone of high-grade epithermal gold-zinc-lead-silver mineralisation intercepted at a downhole depth of 482.9m. This mineralisation is hosted within hydrothermal breccia, occurring adjacent to the mineralisation-controlling central dyke at depth.

We are also excited to report that we have commenced drilling a follow-up hole to ZRSD24149, specifically targeting an extension to the newly identified “gold skarn” which returned the spectacular intercept of 89.4m @ 4.0 g/t Au from 244.5m3 downhole depth, within a broader mineralised envelope of 293.9m @ 2.5g/t Au Eq from 162.3m depth3. We look forward to updating the market with further results as they come to hand.”


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