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Brunswick Exploration

Brunswick Exploration

Our team of geologists begins by compiling available data and conducting research to identify locations where they believe the potential for minerals of interest might be found. Our technical field team is dispatched to conduct a prospecting program by gathering robust observational data using tried-and-true field geology techniques. The goal of the program is to reveal the presence of mineralization that may predict the presence of an unknown mineral deposit.

The company’s exploration team is guided by Robert Wares, Executive Chairman of the company and co-founder of the original Osisko Mining, who was responsible for discovering the Canadian Malartic bulk tonnage gold mine, which was subsequently developed by Osisko Mining into one of Canada’s largest gold producers. Wares is an established and award-winning professional geologist with over 40 years of experience in mineral exploration and development.

Brunswick Exploration has identified five high-priority projects in the Eeyou Istchee-James Bay region of Quebec: Mirage, Elrond, Anatacau, PLEX and Mythril. In 2023, grassroots lithium discoveries were made at Mirage, Elrond and Anatacau, which are currently the focus of drilling.

The Mirage Project comprises 427 claims with a total surface area of 21,230 hectares (staked and optioned claims), located roughly 40 kilometers south of the Trans-Taiga Highway in Quebec’s James Bay region. Fruitful discussions with a geologist that worked the area twenty-five years ago for gold exploration led to the staking of the BRW claims, as he recorded the presence of several angular pegmatitic glacial boulders hosting well-defined, decimetric spodumene crystals. The largest observed boulder measured 8 meters by 4 meters by 3 meters. In the fall of 2023, BRW discovered several high grade spodumene outcrops over a 2.5 kilometer trend as well as an adjacent 3.0 kilometer spodumene boulder train that has different minerology than the discovered outcrops.

The Elrond Project comprises 136 claims with a total area of 7,048 hectares, located roughly 12 kilometers east of the Billy Diamond Highway in Quebec’s James Bay region. Elrond is part of the Mythril option agreement with Midland Exploration whereby BRW can earn a maximum of 85 percent interest in the project.

In the fall of 2023, BRW uncovered a new, undocumented spodumene-bearing pegmatite, known as the Arwen showing, that is exposed over a surface area measuring approximately 250 meters by 100 meters, dipping very shallowly to the north. The pegmatite remains open in all directions.

The Arwen outcrop is well mineralized in spodumene throughout the showing with an apparent higher-grade zone, containing up to 30 percent spodumene, which has a visible extent of approximately 75 by 15 meters. The spodumene crystals are well formed and up to 30 centimeters in length with an off-white color and were confirmed through LIBS analysis and UV light.

In early 2024, the company completed a maiden drilling campaign at the Elrond project to test the Arwen spodumene-bearing pegmatite. The Arwen pegmatite is well mineralized and three representative grab samples returned values between 1 and 3 percent Li2O. A high-resolution airborne magnetic survey was flown in the fall of 2023 and suggests that the Arwen showing is emplaced in a favorable structural corridor that is 4 kilometers long and 500 meters wide. The target area is proximal to infrastructure, located approximately 12 kilometers from the Billy-Diamond Highway and drilling activities will be ground supported via a winter road.

Results will be released when available.

BRW completed a maiden drill program at the Anatacau West property totalling 3,712 meters. 17 of the 18 drilled holes intersected spodumene mineralization that generated up to 26.5 metres at 1.51 percent Li2O.

In the summer of 2023, Brunswick discovered a significant lithium pegmatite outcrop, measuring at least 100 meters long by 15 meters wide known as the Anais showing in Anatacau Main. The outcrop is within a larger cluster of pegmatite dykes all of which contain high-grade lithium mineralization.

This discovery is located 22 kilometers east of Anatacau West and Arcadium’s James Bay Project along a large-scale E-W deformation corridor which is host to the known lithium-bearing pegmatite dykes in the region.

BRW is planning a maiden drill program in 2024 to test the Anais pegmatite as well as a property wide prospecting and geochemical program.

From 2017 to 2021, Killian Charles worked as VP of corporate development for Osisko Metals. Charles was previously the manager of corporate development at Integra Gold Corp, which was an advanced-stage gold development company until it was acquired by Eldorado Gold in July 2017. He worked as a mining analyst at Industrial Alliance Securities and Laurentian Bank Securities. Charles covered small and mid-cap exploration and production companies as a mining analyst. Charles holds a bachelor of science with a major in Earth and planetary sciences from McGill University.

Anthony Glavac has more than 17 years of experience in financial reporting, including over 12 years in the mining industry. Since August 2017, Glavac has served as vice-president, and corporate controller for Falco Resources, and previously served as director, financial reporting and internal controls at Dynacor Gold Mines. Glavac spent 10 years at KPMG, working with both public and private companies, providing audit, taxation, strategic advisory and public offering services. Glavac is also involved with other public companies in the mining industry.

Mr. Kodors is the Manager, Atlantic Canada at Brunswick Exploration Inc. and has been with the company since January 2021. Having 15 years of experience in the mining and exploration industry, he most recently served as an Exploration Manager for Osisko Metals and a Senior Exploration Geologist for Kirkland Lake Gold. Mr. Kodors received his B.Sc. from Brock University and is a registered Professional Geologist within the provinces of New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

Simon Hébert is a professional geologist with over 13 years in the mining exploration industry. He began his career with Virginia Mines and Osisko Mining. Hébert has worked on several metallogenic projects and in various environments, mainly in the Baie-James territory, Nunavik and the Northwest Territories. He was a mining director in April 2019 where he participated in the formation of NQ Mining Investment, where he subsequently became general manager in 2023. Hébert is a registered professional geologist and a member of the Ordre des Géologues du Quebec since 2012. He has sat on the AEMQ board of directors since 2019, serving as vice-president. He is president of the board of directors of the Table Jamésienne de concertation minière. Hébert holds a bachelor’s degree in geology from Université Laval.


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