Home » Government Approvals for Advanced-Stage Activities Received, Whilst On-Ground Exploration Activities Commence at Mt Douglas Project, NT

Government Approvals for Advanced-Stage Activities Received, Whilst On-Ground Exploration Activities Commence at Mt Douglas Project, NT

Government Approvals for Advanced-Stage Activities Received, Whilst On-Ground Exploration Activities Commence at Mt Douglas Project, NT


The exploration program will “ground truth” extensive anomalies within the project defined from historical airborne and surface radiometric surveys (see Figure 3). The program will include geological mapping and systematic rock chip sampling to identify zones of potential primary uranium mineralisation.

To date, observed outcropping minerology confirms uranium occurs in primary ore minerals that are mobilised (see Figure 4). As such, uranium mineralisation appears to be structurally controlled similar to unconformity style deposits, including those found in the nearby Rum Jungle Uranium Field, the site of Australia’s first large-scale uranium mine. This will provide targets for immediate drill testing.

Complementing on-ground field activities, Orpheus has collaborated with the Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS) to undertake a locally (500m) spaced helicopter-supported ground gravity survey over the project area. The survey will be run simultaneously with the regionally spaced Pine Creek ground gravity survey being conducted by the NTGS and targeted for completion by the end of the calendar year.

Results of the gravity survey will be combined with historic magnetic and radiometric datasets to refine target areas of interest. The primary output of this work will assist in identifying locally derived alteration zones that are associated with regional structures with potential to control uranium deposit formation.

The results of these preliminary programs will continue to develop an understanding of the geological setting of the project area. This will ultimately guide advanced-stage activities including trenching and/or drilling for which Orpheus’ has recently received government approval to undertake within nominated areas associated with these preliminary activities.

Commenting on the exploration program, Orpheus Chief Executive Officer Clint Dubieniecki commented:

“We are excited to commence on-ground activities within the Mt Douglas project. The project was acquired by Orpheus on the basis that the geology and historical radiometric data shows all the hallmarks of a large and high-grade unconformity-style uranium district, similar to the Rum Jungle (Pine Creek) or Ranger (Alligator Rivers) deposits. This work represents an important first step in delineating key structures and defining surface uranium mineralisation that will be prioritsed for drilling.”


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