Oasis was discovered during the 1970s uranium exploration push by International companies , most notably Esso whose subsequent work (1977-1979) defined high priority targets with only the Oasis deposit drill tested to date Oasis occurs along a structure associated with a major crustal terrane boundary. (Lynd Mylonite Zone). The metamorphic host rocks, voluminous granite and leucogranite and deformation history share many of the characteristics that can be interpreted as Intrusive (Alaskite) style of uranium mineralisation . This is an exciting possibility, if further exploration continues to strengthen the analogy with world class uranium mines like the Rossing, Namibia.
The acquisition of Oasis adds considerable weight to Greenvale’s portfolio of Uranium exploration projects and is expected to be rapidly upgraded to resource status during the 2025 exploration season.
Project Geology and Mineralisation
Geology within EPM 27565 is dominated by structurally complex mixture of intrusive granitic and metamorphic rocks of Proterozoic, , Ordovician and Silurian Age with recent age dating of uraninite from the Oasis deposit recording a Silurian age. The Lynd Mylonite Zone is a dominant structural feature which strikes north north-east through the centre of the exploration permit. Multiple faults and fractures splaying off the western side of the mylonite appear to control the distribution of extensive zones of uranium anomalism including the Oasis deposit. The granitic-metamorphic terrane hosting the uranium mineralisation is bounded 10km’s to the east by the Far East Mylonite Zone which strikes parallel to the Lynd Mylonite Zone
Previous Exploration
Uranium potential was first identified by Aust Anglo American in 1973-74 from airborne radiometrics followed up by ground radiometrics, mapping and trenching. Three clusters of anomalies were identified on the western side of the Lynd Mylonite Zone including the Oasis anomaly. From 1977-1979 Esso Minerals conducted ground radiometrics, mapping and auger drilling prior to completing 34 diamond drill holes and 14 percussion holes at the Oasis prospect. Esso drilling defined a continuous zone of high grade mineralisation of varying thickness over a 300m strike length and 200m vertical depth (Table 1). The mineralisation remained open along strike and at depth. No further work was undertaken at oasis or other prospects.
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