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North Queensland Exploration Update

North Queensland Exploration Update


The Managing Director of Far Northern Resources , Cameron Woodrow said:

“Far Northern Resources has been exploring this area for some time and it is pleasing to release some very exciting new copper and gold results which clearly show there is a much bigger picture at play at our Empire Project.

We are excited to now have the funding to get on the ground and drill out the potential for what is shaping as a nice copper-gold project in a proven copper-gold mining area”.


Cameron Woodrow


Roderick Corps.


Empire Copper Gold Project Previous exploration activity at Empire including drilling and soil geochemistry prove a very strong geochemical signature in the associate elements of Au-Ag-Bi-Cu-Mo-Sb-W typical of copper-gold porphyry systems. So far drilling has focussed only on the stockworks where an open pit mineable resource has been defined. Our latest rock chips show these stockworks extend for at least another 750m and our geologist believes these could be the part of a bigger porphyry style target.


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