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Altech – Launch of Share Purchase Plan

Altech – Launch of Share Purchase Plan


The SPP follows the excellent Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) for the CERENERGY® project which was finalised on 20 March 2024, that included an NPV(9) of €169 million and free cash flow of €48 million p.a. Following on from the DFS, Altech continues to move forward with obtaining the finance to construct the plant for the CERENERGY® battery project, envisaged to be constructed on Altech’s land in Germany.

CEO Iggy Tan stated “The results of the Definitive Feasibility Study reinforce the economic soundness and potential of our CERENERGY® project. We are excited about the positive trajectory and are fully committed to advancing to the funding phase to realise this innovative venture.”

The project’s economics remain compelling, with an EBITDA margin of around 47%, even at its initial production capacity. This aligns with the projected growth of the grid storage market, estimated at a remarkable 28% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). Additionally, the project offers a low lifetime levelised cost of storage at €0.06/kWh, compared to €0.149/kWh for lithium-ion batteries, further enhancing its competitive advantage.”

Altech is providing all shareholders with the right to participate in a capital raising via an SPP to help fund further activities relating to the CERENERGY® battery project as well as the Silumina AnodesTM battery materials project. An SPP does not incur any brokerage, commission or other transaction costs for shareholders participating, and all funds received by Altech are able to be deployed directly by the Company to commercialise its technology. Altech encourages you to participate in this SPP and to continue the exciting journey that Altech is embarking on with its uniquely patented battery technology and battery materials.

Altech is targeting the grid storage market, which is an industry that is expected to have a compound annual growth rate of 28%, as the world transitions from a fossil fuel economy to a renewable energy economy. Massive scale up and growth of both renewable energy production, combined with grid battery storage, is required to meet the green targets implemented by governments and industry around the world. Altech believes that the grid storage market is a very lucrative niche and is racing to get the CERENERGY® battery into production.

The shares issued pursuant to the SPP will be at an issue price of $0.065 per share with one free attaching option for every two shares acquired. The options will be exercisable at $0.08 per share and will expire on 30 April 2026.

Further details in relation to the SPP, including timing and terms and conditions, are included in the Prospectus available to all eligible shareholders.


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