Home » Altech – Share Purchase Plan Prospectus

Altech – Share Purchase Plan Prospectus

Altech – Share Purchase Plan Prospectus

For the offer of up to $30,000 worth of Shares to each Eligible Shareholder under the Company’s security purchase plan (SPP), at an issue price of $0.065 per Share, to raise up to $5,000,000, together with one free attaching Option for every two Shares subscribed for, exercisable at $0.08 on or before 30 April 2026 (Offer).


The Offer is currently scheduled to close at 5:00pm (WST) on 8 May 2024. Valid applications must be received by that time. Details of how to apply for Securities are set out in the Application Form accompanying this Prospectus.


This document is important and should be read in its entirety. If after reading this Prospectus you have any questions about the Securities being offered under this Prospectus or any other matter, then you should consult your stockbroker, accountant or other professional adviser.

The Securities offered by this Prospectus should be considered as highly speculative.


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