Home » Quarterly Activity Report 31 March 2024

Quarterly Activity Report 31 March 2024

Quarterly Activity Report 31 March 2024

Continuing with its primary exploration focus on the Georgetown project in the latter half of 2023, EMU received assay results during the quarter from its second, in field reconnaissance work. The geochemical sampling programme covered the Fiery Creek high grade copper vein swarm and the Snake Creek prospects with significant element results returned from the Fiery Creek Copper (elevated Cu-Au-Ag-Bi-In-Pb-Sb-Te) and Snake Creek (elevated Pb-Ag-Au-Sb).

Whilst the survey was cut short due to inclement weather, EMU was encouraged by the significant success reflected in the assays results. The results from mineralogical studies confirmed EMU’s interpretation of an indicative, scale Copper-Porphyry system at the Fiery Creek prospect and was a highlight of the survey with new information building on the scale and potential of the prospect1.

Assay results returned included:

Significant results were returned from the Fiery Creek Copper prospect with elevated Cu-Au- Ag-Bi-In-Pb-Sb-Te and from the Snake Creek prospect with elevated Pb-Ag-Au-Sb.

The elevated pathfinder element results and a macro-petrology assessment3 of rock samples completed by Mr Nigel Maund, Consulting Economic Geologist, from the previously unexplored Fiery Creek Prospect, point to the discovery of a porphyry copper system.

The sampling program assessed a number of high-priority prospects within the Georgetown Project tenements utilising termite mound and outcrop rock chip geochemistry. A total of 46 rock chip and 489 termite mound samples were collected across eight prospects.


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