Home » EIS Grant for Minnie Springs Copper Porphyry Drilling

EIS Grant for Minnie Springs Copper Porphyry Drilling

EIS Grant for Minnie Springs Copper Porphyry Drilling

Andrew Ford, GM Exploration

“The Company is pleased to receive an EIS grant to complete deeper drilling at the Minnie Springs Copper Molybdenum Project. The resultant data will enable mapping of the lithology and alteration to a depth of 550m and potentially intersect, or provide vectors to, higher grade Mo-Cu mineralisation using a Mo-Cu porphyry geological model”.

Minnie Springs

Minnie Springs hosts porphyry related copper molybdenum mineralisation previously drilled and defined by Catalyst Metals. A molybdenum Exploration target has been defined for the historicdrillingareacomprisedofbetween12-84Mtasoutlinedbelow (Table 1 and Figure 1, 2.)1.

The potential quantity and grade of the exploration target is conceptual in nature, there has been insufficient exploration to estimate a Mineral Resources, and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the estimation of a Mineral Resource.

The planned diamond drilling will complement the recently completed 3,200m RC drilling program that infilled around hole MSRC012 (18m @ 0.37% Cu and 9.7 g/t Ag from 94m downhole, and 16m @ 0.38% Cu and 19.4g/t Ag from 121m downhole2) and tested the northern half of the 2km long copper-in soil anomaly. Assays from this program are expected to become available over the next month.

The limited exploration in the region, highlighted by 95% of the Ti-Tree project having no previous exploration, demonstrates the prospectivity of this underexplored mineral province.


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