Home » Thick Gold Intercepts from Initial Drilling at Wessex Near Anglo Saxon Gold Mine

Thick Gold Intercepts from Initial Drilling at Wessex Near Anglo Saxon Gold Mine

Thick Gold Intercepts from Initial Drilling at Wessex Near Anglo Saxon Gold Mine


Commenting on the results, KalGold Managing Director Matt Painter said:

“KalGold’s drill program at its Wessex prospect has delivered excellent results. Thick, coherent zones of shallow gold mineralisation were defined across the tenement boundary from historically recorded gold anomalism. The shape, geometry, and style of gold mineralisation at Wessex displays parallels with Hawthorn Resources’ neighbouring Anglo Saxon gold deposit, located less than 1 km to the northeast. Mineralisation at Wessex is open along strike both to the north and south, and down-dip to the east.

This discovery at Wessex requires follow-up aircore and/or RC drilling to define the full extent of the mineralisation footprint. These results, in addition to the shallow gold mineralisation currently being incorporated into an initial JORC Code (2012) Mineral Resource Estimate at Kirgella Gift and Providence, highlight the incredible prospectivity of KalGold’s Pinjin Project.”


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