Home » Tin Stocks: 10 Biggest Producers in 2024

Tin Stocks: 10 Biggest Producers in 2024

Tin Stocks: 10 Biggest Producers in 2024

“We suspect that global supply uncertainty, especially coming from the Myanmar Wa state, will play its role in supporting higher tin prices. Additionally, improving macroeconomic conditions, backed with positive seasonality, should attract fund managers to turn net long on tin again,” Fastmarkets states.

Refined tin production: 80,100 MT

Refined tin production: 31,700 MT

The company’s origins date back to the beginning of the 20th century, and it currently owns the San Rafael mine, which it bills as South America’s largest tin-producing mine. San Rafael has been operated by Minsur since 1977, and today produces about 12 percent of the world’s tin. Minsur also holds a smelter and refinery where it completes the tin production cycle.

Refined tin production: 21,800 MT

Refined tin production: 20,700 MT

Malaysia Smelting put out 20,700 metric tons of tin in 2023, up 10.1 percent from the previous year, allowing it to over take PT Timah to become the fourth largest producer of tin last year. This company is also over a century old, and since 1887 has been a key integrated producer of tin and tin-based products, as well as a leader in custom tin smelting.

Refined tin production: 15,300 MT

Last year, PT Timah produced 15,300 metric tons of tin, a sizeable decrease of 22.7 percent from the previous year, accounting for its slide to the number five spot. In fact, the company’s tin production seems to be on a downward spiral, after producing 26,500 MT in 2021.

Refined tin production: 12,000 MT

Refined tin production: 10,000 MT

Even though its 2023 tin production of 10,000 metric tons was down nearly 3 percent compared to 2022, Bolivian state-owned Empresa Metalúrgica (EM) Vinto moved up a peg on the top 10 tin producers list for 2023. The company receives and processes material from mining cooperatives, large- and small-scale miners and other companies that produce or sell tin concentrates.

Refined tin production: 9,500 MT

Its production was down by 12 percent in 2023 compared to 2022, coming in at 9,500 metric tons last year, and it slipped one spot to rank as the eighth largest tin producer on the list.

Refined tin production: 9,300 MT

Aurubis is Europe’s largest tin producer and bills itself as a “zero waste producer.” The company also states that its tin ingots are “well known for the low level of lead content.”

Refined tin production: 9,200 MT

Founded in 1963, Thailand Smelting and Refining, better known as Thaisarco, is a private firm that manufactures tin, tin alloys and tin-related value-added products. In 2023, Thaisarco produced 9,200 metric tons of the metal, down 3.2 percent from the previous year. The company has been managed and operated by the UK’s Amalgamated Metal since 1995, and Amalgamated Metal is its largest shareholder.

Securities Disclosure: I, Melissa Pistilli, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.


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