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Rights Issue – Prospectus

Rights Issue – Prospectus

For a pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement issue of 1 Share for every 1 Share held by those Shareholders registered at the Record Date at an issue price of $0.008 per Share together with one free New Options for every one Share applied for and issued to raise up to $1,625,589 (Entitlement Offer).

This Prospectus also contains an offer of 134,993,389 New Options which is detailed in Section 3.2 (New Options Offer). The New Options Offer is conditional upon Shareholder approval for the issue of the New Options under the New Options Offer for the purposes of ASX Listing Rule 7.1, to be sought at the General Meeting. No New Options will be issued under the New Options Offer until that condition is met.


This document is important and should be read in its entirety. If, after reading this Prospectus you have any questions about the Securities being offered under this Prospectus or any other matter, then you should consult your professional advisers without delay.

The Securities offered by this Prospectus should be considered as highly speculative.


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