Home » Diamond Drilling Assays Return Best Results to Date from Link Zone with Intercepts to 55.8g/t Au

Diamond Drilling Assays Return Best Results to Date from Link Zone with Intercepts to 55.8g/t Au

Diamond Drilling Assays Return Best Results to Date from Link Zone with Intercepts to 55.8g/t Au


The program at Link Zone was focused within and adjacent to conceptual $3,000/oz Au pit shells, with holes targeting interpreted ore lode positions to gain mass for metallurgical testwork, along with varying orientations of geotechnical holes to gain information for assessment ahead of a potential small-scale mining campaign.

Brightstar’s Managing Director, Alex Rovira, commented “The diamond drilling component of our +30,000m campaign kicked off at Link Zone, with excellent grade results returned despite most holes being drilled for geotechnical purposes. Additionally, the metallurgical hole has given us valuable information for downhole lode grade variability, highlighted by a superb 6.0m @ 21.08g/t Au intercept containing six individual 1.0m +5.0 g/t Au intercepts within a broader down dip intercept of 12.0m @ 11.90g/t Au. We’re particularly encouraged by the grades returned, with these results released today along with our recently completed Link Zone RC program2 all returning grades well above the global MRE estimate for Link Zone emphasising areas for potential open pits.

Geotechnical logging was completed ahead of sampling & assaying, with the remaining core and existing RC samples being utilised for a metallurgical testwork program presently underway to feed into re-optimised pit shells and ultimately define a pathway to monetisation via a small-scale mining campaign similar to the successfully completed Selkirk Mining JV earlier this year.

Approximately 1km to the north, the Lady Shenton System RC drilling program will complete in the coming fortnight, with these results to be assessed and integrated into an updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the Definitive Feasibility Study presently underway. We look forward to updating the market with these results, along with previously completed RC and diamond programs at Jasper Hills and Second Fortune with assays progressing through the laboratory.”


Five shallow diamond drill holes were completed at Link Zone (refer Figure 2), with holes drilled at varying orientations for metallurgical and geotechnical purposes. Three geotechnical holes were focused on drilling across the structure, with reported assays approximating true thicknesses and geometry of ore lodes; one geotechnical hole (LZGT24003) was drilled down dip targeting the west wall of the conceptual Merriyulah pit shell, whilst the single metallurgical hole (LZMET24001) was drilled down dip for sample mass purposes and thus should not be considered representative of lode thicknesses in the Golden Dicks deposit.

As shown in core photographs for LZGT24003 (Figure 4) and LZMET24001 (Figure 6), mineralisation observed at Link Zone is largely hosted by or along the margins of quartz-sulphide veins developed within shears associated with the Menzies Shear Zone, with the highest grades observed in intervals with abundant veining. The host rock is predominately amphibolitised basalt, with intermittent evidence of sulphide mineralisation (predominately pyrite) associated with shearing, bleaching and veining on geological contacts.


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