Home » 190 Metre Antimony Copper Intercept at Bulla Park

190 Metre Antimony Copper Intercept at Bulla Park

190 Metre Antimony Copper Intercept at Bulla Park


West Cobar Metals’ Managing Director, Matt Szwedzicki, commented: “The Bulla Park project is shaping up to have potential for a major copper – antimony – silver deposit. The antimony content is exceptional and with the global prices of antimony trading at nearly 2.5 times the price of copper, it is a good time to have drilled through a major intercept of antimony mineralisation.

We are now planning the next drill program to follow the deposit along strike.”

Mineralisation is dominantly tetrahedrite (copper – antimony sulphide) and minor chalcopyrite and stibnite (antimony sulphide). Antimony grades in all drill hole intercepts are approximately 30% to 35% of the copper grade, reflecting the theoretical composition of tetrahedrite (Cu12Sb4S13).

The mineralisation has developed over several stages. Syn-depositional siderite alteration of Lower Devonian (Winduck Group) silty fossiliferous sandstones is accompanied by chalcopyrite and tetrahedrite. Synsedimentary microfaults and dewatering structures are common indicating a tectonically active depositional and mineralising environment. When subsequently lithified, brittle faulting and fracturing has resulted in siderite-barite stockwork veining and hydrothermal breccias with tetrahedrite as the main copper-antimony mineral. Later faulting is associated with tectonic breccias, massive siderite-barite veins up to 20m thick and tetrahedrite and stibnite crystals filling vughs and veins (Figures 2 and 3).


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