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High Grade Manganese Discovered at Wandanya

High Grade Manganese Discovered at Wandanya

Black Canyon’s Managing Director Brendan Cummins said:

“It was exciting to be back on the rig and drilling the first holes into the W2 prospect. With each hole drilled we began to build a picture of the distribution, thickness and internal structure of the mineralisation. What was of particular interest was the consistency of the horizon over 240m strike and how we intersected mineralisation on the eastern most holes on every line so the mineralisation remains open to the north, south and east.”

Iron alteration and brecciation often associated from manganese mineralisation at Woodie Woodie was also observed. Significantly the age of the rocks we have drilled at W2 are younger than the rocks that host Woodie Woodie however similar processes may have occurred providing manganese rich ffuids access to receptive units to form this stratabound mineralisation. The main advantage of this style of mineralisation is the benefit of hydrothermal high grades with the predictability of a mineralised layer which may extend over hundreds of metres and vary in thickness”

“It is very early days but I am very impressed with the geology, initial pXRF results and the future exploration potential using this new mineralisation model.”


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