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Results of Entitlement Offer

Results of Entitlement Offer

The Entitlement Offer closed on Thursday, 10 October 2024. The Entitlement Offer was an offer of new fully paid ordinary shares in the Company (New Shares) on a 2 for 3 basis at an issue price of A$0.007 per New Share (Offer Price) plus 1 attaching option exercisable at

$0.03 and expiring 30 April 2027 (New Option) for every 2 New Shares. Summary of the Entitlement Offer Results

Results of the Entitlement Offer are as follows:

$51,460.88. An additional 7,142,857 New Shares arising from the shortfall have been placed to a private sophisticated investor, giving rise to total funds raised to


The 14,494,398 New Shares and attaching 7,247,200 New Options will be issued on 16 October 2024, with the New Shares expected to commence normal trading on the ASX on 17 October 2024. The Company does not propose to seek quotation of the New Options on ASX at this time.

Funding Options

Due to the substantial shortfall under the Entitlement Offer, the Board is currently in discussions with investors about alternative funding options. Details will be provided to the market as soon as these are finalised.

This announcement is authorised by the Board of the Company.

Paul Marshall Company Secretary

For further information contact: Paul Williams

Managing Director Mobile: 0419 762 487

E-Mail: p.williams@aukingmining.com


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