Home » Drilling Targets Defined – Bananal Valley tenement, Lithium Valley, Brazil

Drilling Targets Defined – Bananal Valley tenement, Lithium Valley, Brazil

Drilling Targets Defined – Bananal Valley tenement, Lithium Valley, Brazil


Work Undertaken

Future Workplan


Results from exceptionally high value stream sediment sample have been followed up with soil samples and grid based mapping in the southern part of 831.700/2022 and drilling targets had been identified.

Mapping prior to and during soil sampling identifies numerous small pegmatites and some larger pegmatites to a maximum of 10 metres wide. Areas of large quartz boulders, possibly quartz cores to pegmatites, were also mapped and in places are coincident with lithium and lithium pathfinder anomalies. Pegmatites cross cut and are younger than the foliation in the host G3 type granite.

Regional structure from geophysics and from topography shows a strong NE to ENE trend, subparallel to the Latin Resources “Lithium Corridor.” Drilling will be oriented at 90 degrees to the regional trend initially, as the most probable major pegmatite orientation direction.

Strong vertical zonation in the lithium pegmatite geochemical responses are present and close attention to the location of laterite and the old lateritised surface is critical to interpretation of where lithium pegmatites may be concealed by leaching of lithium.

Drill targets were defined by lithium anomalies and by occurrences of pegmatite or extensive float of pegmatite minerals, lithium pathfinder elements, large quartz boulders or anomalous quartz concentrations.

The lateritic weathering zone is estimated from mapping to be up to 50 metres thick within the tenement, but locally may be significantly thicker. Drilling below this weathered layer is essential to get analyses that reflect the actual grade of any pegmatites present. Within the weathering zone low values of lithium are expected from potentially economic pegmatites.

Images & Maps

Figure 1 shows the location of the Salinas Project tenements in relation to Latin resources Collina deposit and to other tenements held by major explorers including Rio Tinto.

Mapping and soil sampling in the western Bananal Valley tenement, 831.700/2022, has defined areas of laterite as well as various larger pegmatite and quartz occurrences.

Figure 2 shows the extensive high order stream sediment target zones in the Bananal valley tenement, with their follow up soil lines and potential pegmatite mineral occurrences, including green tourmaline, indicating highly evolved pegmatites.

Lower order anomalies in the northeast are still considered highly prospective, with lower order results due to more intensive weathering and leaching of surface rocks.


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